St. Augustine: New Life in Christ


This Zoom series explores the life and thought of St. Augustine of Hippo, who is notable not only for his immense influence on Catholicism over the centuries (you might say that only Jesus and St. Paul have had greater intellectual influence), but also for the light his story sheds upon our own lives in Christ. The series will outline Augustine's biography, as well as examine the profound transformation of Augustine's mind, will, and heart borne through his relationship with Christ (If there is a saint who knows our personal conflicts and crises firsthand, it is St. Augustine!). The content will be both intellectually and spiritually directed by Michael Ceragioli.

Dates: March 4th, 11th, and 18th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

This course will be conducted through Zoom. The cost is free, but registration is required.


Don’t miss out on the event! Click the button to add a reminder to your Google Calendar

If you missed the second talk, watch below.

Link to the first talk: March 4th

Link to the second talk: March 11th


St. Irenaeus: Laying the Foundation of the Church


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